My book hits the TOP 10 Management books by Kluwer


I am happy to announce that my book has been chosen by Kluwer to be part of the TOP 10 Management Books in 2010.

Apart from that I can announce that the free English summary is almost finished and will be available for download from the 1st of January 2011. (1-1-11 😉

This is the link to the English part of the website for my book (A Brand New Playground).

The book will unveil the latest insights in digital consumer behaviour, provides an overview of the games industry in the past 30 years, provides about 30 case studies categorized in product-, price-, place-(innovative distribution and micro-transactions), personnel and promotion-related objectives and presents three models how games can be used in the field of brand management and marketing.

 I hope you will enjoy it!

2 replies to “My book hits the TOP 10 Management books by Kluwer”

  1. Martin says:

    >Goed nieuws Bart!

  2. Bart Hufen [BrandNewGame] says:

    >Thanks! Very proud of it!

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