SXSW Update Day 2 & 3

The day started with breakfast: bananas and oranges – healthy old men we are! Then we went on to get some real breakfast and coffee at Congress street. I met my panel leader for the gamification of a documentary – Suvi Helminen – at 11:00 (she was one hour late… 😉 Our panel discussion is called ‘The Playful viewer’ and you can read more details (or put it on your schedule) here. It’s upcoming Tuesday at 14:30 hours.

At the gaming expo we saw Cliff Bleszinski in a panel about the Oculus Rift – the all new virtual reality gaming device. They received 2,5 million dollars from 10.000 backers. Let’s see if VR becomes the new standard of immersive gameplay!

 The rest of the day we followed some talks varying from Top 5 innovation start-ups in Austin to 10 things that make you interesting. The Top startups in Austin are:

– Postmaster
– Lynx Laboratories
– Subtle data
– Axelo
– Aumanil
– Taskbox
– Meritful
– Rock Your Paper
– Stormpulse (which was the only one note worthy in my opinion…)

The full article of ’10 steps to make you more interesting’ is stated here, since she previously published it on the Forbes website.

After that – we went to a party organized by the Dutch Fellows, free booze and dancing women, what more does a geek want?

On the third day of SXSW we did the following:

Watched the documentary innovation lab of MIT, where some cool things are happening, altough gamification was not mentioned.

We went to an – almost empty room – and watched the talk Games for Good, basically portraying the different options you have to publish a game… Not really innovative and ground breaking…

Since I couldn’t get into the presentation about Minecraft (too many parents and kids were in the room and they apparently had an advantage over international press…?) we just strolled the floor of the gaming expo…

Gaming Arena

– Steam’s box: read IGN’s vision about it here

– Augmented Alternate Reality Games the future? iPhone becomes scope rifle. This was actually quite cool. You just put you iPhone on a ‘specially developed’ gun and there you go: paintball 3.0 !

Make love not Porn

Hoping to learn t=from payment and distribution methods used in the porn industry I felt this presentation was more a promotion for socialisation of sex and open discussions of sex – as opposed to porn. More about this keynote here: 

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