Game league in the UK sponsored by Carlsberg
Live means many things nowadays and is often misunderstood. By live we mean people getting together to play against each other at a venue, not on line.
Next week ‘Living it – Loving it’ launches Britain’s first live gaming league which will take place in pubs, clubs and casinos. They will have a FIFA 2010, NEED FOR SPEED and CALL OF DUTY league. Played in a league format over twelve weeks, there will be venue-, regional- and national champions with a prize pool of at least £30,000.
This project has been put together with the support of many major brands and will have over 1.000 venues within a year. If you want to join in then watch out in the coming weeks for details on
They are keen to reconnect the community in which people live and believe that gaming has the ability to do this. It is my belief however that gaming will also quickly become a profession (if not already for the happy few) and that a more established circuit will emerge once the industry recognises the value to its brand and sales.
Largely copied from the press release on Linkedin by Dave Brannan, Managing Director at Living it Loving it Ltd
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