SXSW Update Day 1
After arriving in Austin yesterday after a nine hour flight and four hour car drive, we (Mike and I) picked up our badges at the Austin Conress Centre. Then we headed up to our lovely Air BNB place at ‘Pat and Bill’ only 1,5 miles away from downtown. I shared a bed with Mike, which brought me back to my college years I guess, but, it beats couch surfing I guess…. We met up around eight with our two other cowboys in crime Bas (Vanguard games) and Michiel (Little Chicken Game company) at coyote ugly…. Talk about old glory gone…. 😉
Today the game starts to visit about 100 keynotes, inspiration sessions, drinks, art events, interactive installations, dining, wining, etc…
My schedule for today is in the picture and I noticed a lot of things start at the same hour…. So I guess I am not yet done making choices… 😉
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