Tired of Liking…
Curious readers will have noticed that I predicted that Facebook will lose its relevance over time and will be gone in 2014. I said that here: http://www.brandnewgame.nl/bart/ (scroll all the way done and use ‘mouse over’ on Level 4)…
Of course I also said that to provoke some free publicity and poke around, but I am quite serious actually. The past six months I have noticed that not only the activity on Facebook drops but also the ‘relevance’ and this is quite easy to explain. The relevance should be provided by my close friends and family. But like I said in my book only 1 % CREATES content, 9% INFLUENCES content and 90% READ content. You can imagine that in your group of 500 ‘friends’ only 5 people actually CREATE ‘relevant’ updates like baby pictures, food pictures, kids pics and maybe one or two different topics, but that’s it… And you can ask yourself how relevant it is to see an update of new babies, different food, growing kids week after week…
Apart from this we know that 50% of all Facebook users actually log in to be able to play games…
And I guess the other 50% uses Facebook to log in to different websites, so it’s nothing else but a ‘hub’ that protects / mis-uses my personal identity…
What do you guys think? How relevant are the news / friends updates to you? Let me know #gamifiy #facebook
Wednesday August 7, 2013 at 6:42 pm
Hi Bart,
While I was studying at the University of Amsterdam I read an interesting book named “The rise and fall of the great powers”. Mutatis mutandis, I think we need now a 2.0 version of that book with a new title, “The rise and fall of the great sites”, and with Facebook the author could make a good case study