Diesel Island National Anthem
Diesel is starting their own Island to create a better world. The first ‘real’ place they will actually start their new country is within the world of PlayStation Home – the virtual social network of Sony PlayStation.
This is what Diesel believes:
“We, at Diesel, have a stupid dream. What would it be like to start a nation from scratch? To take what is great from the countries we know and ditch what is bad. To re-write the laws. To right social wrongs. A country for only the brave. A nation in which all you future citizens of Diesel Island have the chance of being Stupid Pioneers. The first nation that truly cares about what you like and dislike. Hop on the plane from 21st July, boarding through our updated store in the PlayStation Home Shopping Centre. New Look, New Stuff – some of it free. Welcome to Diesel Island. Land of the Stupid and Home of the Brave.”
So the ‘island’ seems to be a virtual place within Home, but in the beginning is just a new clothing line that is being sold at the ‘in-game Diesel store’ in the shopping mall of PlayStation Home. Don;t let that withhold you from getting the latest, coolest fashion items! – Diesel rules!
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