Picasa-webalbums – Drop Box – Drop Box
According to Brands & Gaming (Palgrave, 2006) there are 16 ways to involve your brand with gaming.
I challenge you to find some new ones!
Picasa-webalbums – Drop Box – Drop Box
According to Brands & Gaming (Palgrave, 2006) there are 16 ways to involve your brand with gaming.
I challenge you to find some new ones!
Funny to see a review of 5 minutes about a pair of Headphones! What made me post this message is the fact that they’re called Creative Labs Fatal1ty headphones. Fatal1ty is propably the first game celebrity in the world, active since 1995 as a professional gamer, mostly on first person shooters. After 15 years of professional gaming and sponsorships he’s got his own endorsed products! 😉 Who ever expected that!
Signing off…
Herewith something I was personally involved in 2 years ago. 55DSL – Diesel’s Little Brother, wanted to enhance the worldwide brand awareness and reinforce the young & coolness of the brand so we searched for a suitable party to team up with. EA’s Need for Speed seemed just the perfect franchise to mix with 55DSL. Young people like speed, cars and cool dudes & chicks.
55DSL dressed all the main characters in the game and apart from that all the cars could be plastered with 55DSL stickers. Check out the pictures below and if you would like more information, email me at barthufen@brandnewgame.nl
>Shared via AddThisThe next Command & Conquer game has been announced using all kinds of social media. They have their own facebook and Twitter page for gamers to follow. Also there is a competition asking consumers to come up with the new title for command & conquer 4. Mine would be: Tiberium Showdown! Let’s wait and see what it will be….
>ESA_EF_2009.pdf (application/pdf-object)
Some interesting facts about the in-game advertising industry written in an independent report by the ESA.
>Mindshare Netherlands – Het Wereldwijde Media Netwerk – OLA Waterspelen (Dutch video – sorry). An impressive case by Ola. The waterolympics. Where children could compete in reallife playing various games in and around water to promote the non-fat icecreams by Unilever. Great results as well and great brand engagement if you ask me! I would love to give advice how you can translate this experience into an online portal of minigames inspired by this real life (yearly?) event.
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RedBull’s airrace finally playable online!
I must say the game looks stunning for an ‘online’ game, but the controls are a nightmare. I have never played a game that is so far from playable. It’s cool that you can choose your own plane, but there are even more chances for physics. The developers should play WipeOut fusion and then go back to the writing table to optimize this game.
At Redbull: I am allways available for a free first consult!
Contact me by email: barthufen@brandnewgame.nl
>EA partners with Dr Pepper for exclusive digital content // News
Dr.Pepper is about to enter the world of Sims! Following IKEA and H&M, Dr. Pepper will apear in EA’s number 1 selling blockbuster franchise The Sims. Recently The Sims also became available on mobile phones. I hope people in the near future will still know the difference between the real and the virtual world… 😉
An interesting case by my dear friend Joost Bazelmans [RedChocolate]. Nivea wanted to launch their new product targeted at pimple-free girls. I’m sorry the link is Dutch-only.
GoSupermodel – a social network for girls aged 10-16 grew since 2007 up to an amount of 300.000 young supergirls. The ingame campaign existed of putting a pimple on the avatar of the girls which led to hilarious reactions. Some girls said they even liked the pimple on their avatar, but most of them used the Nivea product to get rid of the pimple. Really a great way of ingame sampling. I didn’t even knew it existed and this is why I love what I do: ANYTHING GOES IN THE VIRTUAL GAMING WORLD! As long as it is relevant for the consumer and it fits within the game realism.
Another striking event within the Supermodel Social Network occurred recently when girls got together and stood up against guys (and a Dutch rap group to be specific) cursing using the word cancer (comparable to ‘fuck’ in English). They recorded a film and uploaded it to YouTube which I felt was tear-jerking. Check it out if you like. Supermodel Girls Against Swearing Although it’s in Dutch please watch the film towards the end. The Red Crosses are symbols saying NO to cursing (and using the C-word specifically).