PlayStation 3 has sold over 50 million units

>After the announcement from Sony PlayStation a few months ago that the PlayStation 2 console sold over 150 million times, they reported last week that the PlayStation 3, their latest – and according to some experts last home-play console – sold over 50 million times.

PlayStation Portable (PSP) has sold 68 million units Year to Date…

I guess people are still eager to play!

Playtime (Speelkwartier) by BrandNewGame, Flavour & Spil Games


Spil Games, Flavour and BrandNewGame joined forced in The Netherlands to organize an event to enlighten brands and organizations about how games can be used to achieve marketing goals.

The event is in Hillywood (Hilversum – The Netherlands) on the 19th of May from 14:00 hours.

Bart Hufen (BrandNewGame) will explain more about the digital consumer of ‘now’, show the history of gaming and explain why games are such an effective marketing tool.
Emily Jacometti (Flavour) will show a fantastic and effective case how a gameconcept they developed helped to achieve marketing objectives from one of their clients.
Oscar Diele (Spil Games) will show how they have proven in the past 10 years that gameportals can reach over 150 million people worldwide and 1,5 million people in The Netherlands through social media like Hyves. Members are playing games by average of 10 minutes every day!

From today on, there are 10 seats available and you (product-, brand- and marketing managers) can subscribe NOW!

There will be a special session for advertising and media-agencies in June of July this year, so this event is for Brands and Organizations only!

Nature revisited…

> Real or Sur-real?

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

PeopleBrowsr's Brief Cartoon Study Of Social Influencers

>Very nice way to tell a story about social media throughout the past five years: through cartoon images!

Great work by Adam Long and PeopleBrowsr !

Big In Japan – Alphaville Please donate for Japan!


I was just watching the Dutch TV and saw a fantastic concert put together to help people in Japan. Us Dutch people are always complaining about our country and people living in Holland, but it’s AMAZING what we put together in such a short time.
To all my Dutch readers, please show your gratitude on Giro 6868 today.
This song inspired me since the eighties and the 3:48 is just enough time to do your thing through your online bank account ๐Ÿ˜‰
Hopefully the world gets a bit wiser and countries will start to help each other instead of fighting wars over land, oil, power or religion…
Play on!

Social Media Research – an annual report from Michael Steizner

This presentation gives an insight on the most relevant social media used in USA. It’s about Search, Tools, Services, Lead generation and investment in social media like Twitter and Youtube from a brand-perspective.

Social Media Marketing Industry Report 2011 from Michael A. Stelzner on Vimeo.

More information on

Fiat uses game mechanics to reduce CO2 emission

>Did you see the Fiat Ecodrive system?

It’s real cool!

Check the video to see how it works!

There is even a ‘EcoVille’ (comparable to Farmville in a way ๐Ÿ˜‰ where the top 500 eco-friendly drivers are listed! You can compare your results to friends, your country and even the world!

This is a FANTASTIC example how we can all try to save our planet using playful solutions!

Long live the Gamification of Society!

More examples are featured in my book ‘A Brand New Playground’.

You can download the free summary HERE

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine version – Official


This video is awesome! Shot in one take, check the Ted Talk by Adam Sadowsky – I tweeted it on Twitter.

SORRY! – Less posts than usual…


Just wanted to apologize for a second for not posting so many new articles lately.

We are happy to say that we’re awfully busy with some great projects for some of our clients.

I am still busy posting interesting news, research and opinions on Twitter, so please feel free to follow my tweets @BartHufen

Topics I tweet about are #gamification #gamevertising #brandnewplayground (my upcoming book)  #gameresearch and more…

Hopefully we will have more time towards beginning of may – so stay tuned!

Games for Training purposes for a BIG Bank [Dutch only: Sorry]ยง

>In this presentation Dick Krikke answers three short answers about the games that IJsfontein developed for ABN AMRO bank. I was personally involved in the analyses for the first game (The Retail Game).

It explains the why, how and success in three strong statements.