>Finally after three months of updating my book it is currently being translated into English! Hooray!
The title will be: A Brand New Playground – Building Brands in the Digital Era
As I wanted to share the contents in an early stage please feel free to download and share the free summary (demo). You can find it HERE.
The main topic of the book is how games can be used to achieve marketing objectives in the digital era.
The first chapter basically describes the different platforms, genres and provides a historical overview of games throughout the past.
The second chapter describes the consumers that play games. Ten years ago it was merely kids and teenagers playing games, but the past five years we have seen that mothers and elderly are playing online games more and more.
The third chapter reveals a lot of cases that support objectives within the marketingmix, on product-, price-, place, personnel and promotional matters.
The fourth and final chapter reveals how games can be put to use within the field of Brand Management and Marketing on a theoretical level. I have developed three models that help agencies, organizations and brands to develop concepts that build bridges between them and the target audience.
Amongst them are the Branding Checklist, The Brand Play model and the CoCha-model (gotcha!).
Have fun reading it, share the pdf with friends and collegues and tweet your feedback to:
@BartHufen or #BrandNewPlayground
Please feel free to join my community on Linkedin called BrandNewGame
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